Friday, July 25, 2014

PAPSA Conference

Yesterday, I was at the PAPSA conference. It was a great time where I learned a lot of new information with my colleagues.  Incase you were wondering, PAPSA stands for Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators.  It was especially nice because I got the chance to finally put a face to so many people that I talk with on a regular basis such as other SME's in my field as well as book publishers. You can check out their web page by clicking here.


  1. Dustin, professional learning networks are such a vital part of growing as a professional! I find that summer PD not only connects me with others, it exposes me to some great thought leaders and inspires me to do more, better. I hope you had a similar experience!

    1. Definitely! It was my first time going and I can't wait to go back.
